From March 2020, when the epidemiological situation was developing more and more dynamically in Poland and the world, we analyzed various aspects related to the users of smartphones and tablets. Based on mobile data, we studied movement, consumer behavior, and the mood of Poles.
We checked what Poles were doing in Italy, Germany, Spain, and France last weekend before introducing the first restrictions (March 6-8, 2020). Then we examined how far Poles moved away from their homes (March 14-20) and how the traffic between voivodships was shaped (March 13-27). We also studied the impact of the crisis on the use of mobile and what children and teenagers do on smartphones.
In April, we checked how the users of smartphones and tablets reacted to the defrosting of the economy (April 13-19 and April 20-26, 2020). We also examined whether Poles wanted to visit shopping centers right after lifting the restrictions. In July, we learned what holiday travels this year looked like.
We also devoted several analyzes to commercial locations and the impact of the pandemic on their footfall (June, October 2020). As there were indications that it would take some time to return to pre-pandemic levels if at all, we examined several types of locations and changes in traffic (sports and recreation, public transport, restaurants, entertainment).
Gdy użytkownik urządzenia mobilnego otworzy stronę internetową lub aplikację zawierającą przestrzeń reklamową, na której widnieje reklama wyświetlana przez Selectivv, firma otrzymuje podstawowe informacje z urządzenia przenośnego wraz z indywidualnym numerem użytkownika (GAID / IDFA). Jesteśmy połączeni z sieciami reklamowymi, co daje nam dostęp do 200 tys. aplikacji i 15 milionów stron internetowych.
A beneficial method is also using historical data from the location (Geotrapping®). What are they? This is information about users who in the past visited places of interest to us at a specific time (selected shops, fairs, conferences, etc.).
We collect information about location, time, application, device, operating system, and mobile operator. We profile consumers of mobile devices. Our algorithms predict up to 362 facts about a single (still anonymous) user with high accuracy. Information is collected and updated in real-time.
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