Polish travel behavior has shifted over the past four years (2021-2024). According to the latest Selectivv Data Tank report, "Vacation 2024," which examines tourism during the summer of 2024 and compares it with previous years, a new travel trend has emerged. Both domestic and international tourists are increasingly opting for day trips. The most popular tourist destination for vacations in Poland has also changed.
Badanie przeprowadzone zostało na podstawie danych obejmujących cały okres wakacji w latach 2021-2024. Dane wykorzystane do analizy pochodzą ze zbioru Big Data Selectivv. Pozyskane zostały w wyniku wyświetleń reklam w kanale mobilnym, jak również od wydawców aplikacji. Próbą badawczą byli podróżni użytkownicy urządzeń mobilnych. W raporcie zastosowano podział odwiedzających na turystów (osoby, które spędziły minimum jedną dobę, w tym nocleg, w badanych obszarach, a ich strefą zamieszkania jest inny powiat niż ten, w którym znajdują się badane gminy) oraz odwiedzających jednodniowych (osoby, które odwiedziły na minimum 4h dane gminy, ale bez noclegu i ich strefą zamieszkania jest inny powiat niż ten, w którym znajdują się badane gminy).
The Selectivv report shows that an increasing number of people traveling within Poland are opting for short trips that do not require an overnight stay. Statistics reveal that in 2021, day-trippers constituted 37% of all visitors, a figure that remained similar in 2022 and 2023, accounting for 36%. However, in the 2024 summer season, the percentage of travelers choosing day trips rose to 41%.
It can be inferred that more travelers are choosing short-day trips over long vacations within the country. This trend presents both a challenge and an opportunity for Polish resorts and tourist centers. Businesses in the tourism sector may seek to adapt to this trend by offering new, flexible options such as one-day trips, short-stay packages, and themed weekend getaways.
Poles, long divided between mountain trekking and seaside relaxation, are increasingly choosing new travel destinations over familiar ones. This shift is influenced by both economic factors and a desire to explore new places. The Selectivv report indicates that from 2021 to 2023, Polish tourists preferred seaside vacations over mountain trips. This trend only shifted in 2024, when more domestic tourists began choosing southern Poland as their holiday destination.
The research found a significant increase in the popularity of mountain trips from 40.7% in 2021 to 50.5% in 2024. A similar trend was observed among international tourists, who three years ago favored the Polish seaside (71.9%) but more frequently opted for mountain vacations (50.3%) this year.
The year 2024 brought changes not only in the duration of summer stays but also in travel destination preferences. Based on the report, it can be concluded that southern Poland has become a more attractive tourist destination. Moreover, if the trend of decreasing visitor numbers in northern Poland continues, coastal areas may face a new challenge in rekindling interest among tourists to visit the north more frequently.
See the full report on the Selectivv website.
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