Gain an advantage over the companies with whom you are fighting for a position on the market. We will help you with this. We will use our entire base and mobile marketing technology. We know remarkably much about mobile users - you won't believe that’s even possible. We collect all data in compliance with GDPR and use them for the profit of our clients. We create ads that target the right place precisely, and it works!
Implementation of advertising campaigns for over 400 brands from 20 countries
Combining digital marketing with outdoor campaigns
Signature, extensive database with over 350,000 apps and 17,000,000 mobile websites
We offer you something more than standard marketing tools, available almost everywhere. We created solutions that work well on the Polish market and internationally. We use them for our clients for over six years. We utilize effective, more widely available tools in our actions but enrich them with original gems. In this way, we increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Third-party cookies are slowly becoming history. And that's good because there is a much more effective way to get to know mobile users better. Our Selectivv DMP database is a great treasury of knowledge. We target ads based on mobile advertising ID. The target group selected based on mobile data is much more precise. The difference is significant: 92% accuracy compared to 50% for cookies.
When conducting digital marketing, we go one step further. We research smartphone and tablet users. In this way, we can provide you with invaluable data about your customers, your competitors' targets, the potential of a given location, and much more.
Join global brands that already work with us. Take advantage of all the digital marketing solutions we've built with businesses like yours in mind. With us, you will get your advertisement exactly where you have the best chance to sell your product or service!