We will perform research about your potential customers, those already acquired, and clients of your competitors. We will determine the actual area of influence of your brand. The consumer research at Selectivv is precise data and in-depth analysis. You will receive a complete analysis of your and your competition customers. Order research and get new consumers.
We base our consumer research on modern methods: Geotrapping® technology, danych lokalizacyjnych, profilowaniu Selectivv, ankietach mobilnych i analizie Points of Interest. Poznajemy opinie Klientów, ich zainteresowania, oczekiwania i realne działania.
Over six years of research experience has allowed us to develop our proprietary tools that you will not find in any other company. You receive a precise data analysis that you can use for brand development, marketing, and sales.
Mobile data better reflect the complete picture of the customers. After all, mobile devices accompany them almost everywhere. Third-party cookies alone and information about individually visited websites are not enough to thoroughly analyze the group of consumers.
Additionally, Google is withdrawing its support for third-party cookies. We are prepared for it, and we are already using mobile IDs in research and advertising activities.
We check whether it pays off to open a new point of sale in a location you think of. We examine the potential of a given place. We determine the size and characteristics of this area’s potential customers groups. Additionally, we check the strength and size of your competition there. This way, you will know the potential turnover you can expect in the tested location.
You will learn about the shopping habits and customers’ habits. It will allow you to tailor the advertising message to a specific audience and the way they shop. You will learn where, when, and how to present your offer.
We make it easy for you to reach your competitions’ customers. We will carefully analyze the users who buy from your competitors. We will describe their demographics and prepare behavioral profiles. With this knowledge, you will gain an advantage in the battle for their interest. It is a solid basis for promotional activities.
Build relationships with current customers. You will learn about their opinions and expectations. The development of your offer, taking into account this information, will allow you to gain greater loyalty from the recipients you have already acquired. Keep in mind that acquiring new Clients is much more expensive than maintaining current ones.
Effective reaching a very precisely defined narrow target group, quality of service, ongoing campaign optimization and comprehensive post-buy reports containing recommendations for subsequent campaigns are the attributes that distinguish the Selectivv offer and influence the decision to continue our cooperation.
The placement of advertisements has shown great effectiveness in terms of increasing the audience's reach. After the campaign is completed, we observe the achievement of key KPIs.
Cooperation with Selectivv significantly supported the sale of the last apartments of the Fregata Park estate. The offer included premises with an area of approximately 70 to 100 m2. Thanks to a properly constructed campaign strategy, we achieved our goal in a short time - the sale of all apartments.
We provide an analysis of the customers’ composition with their behavioral profiles. We examine the actual area of influence of a given location. On this basis, you will be able to make even more accurate business decisions. Brand promotion among the appropriate group will become more accessible and more effective.
The technology offers an accuracy of 2 to 4 m. We target the requested area to collect data. Our clients are often interested in locations such as airports, train stations, shopping centers, competition stores, services, and restaurants. We can provide you with data from any place you choose.
Your company's catchment area depends primarily on the nature of its activities, offers, and competing brands located in a given area. These three metrics provide a complete picture of the brand's reach.
Yes. We implement precise, digital advertising campaigns. Targetujemy je do ściśle określonych użytkowników. Mogą to być konkretne lokalizacje (geotargeting), aplikacje mobilne, klienci konkurencji lub osoby, które w przeszłości odwiedziły dane miejsce. Opcji targetowania jest dużo więcej. Możemy wziąć pod uwagę dane demograficzne, zwyczaje zakupowe, zainteresowania, odwiedzane strony i wiele więcej. Tworzymy reklamy displayowe i rich media dopasowane do konkretnej grupy docelowej.
The research of competition and customers is also a subject of our blog. Also, check out the Knowledge Center, where we provide exclusive insight and selected research results. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need professional advice on your business's consumer research.