Based on data from Selectivv DMP, which contains information from mobile devices, we checked the way users use transportation services. From the sample counted 1,9 mln of users of applications in Poland only citizens of Warsaw, Krakow, and Tricity. The research covered 4 the most popular taxi applications (Uber, iTaxi, MyTaxi i Taxify) and 2 the most popular for bike-sharing (Nextbike oraz Veturilo). The analysis was conducted on active users of such applications, which means the users, who were using these applications over the last month.
The most popular application for public transportation remains Uber (apart from Krakow) is still the most popular taxi application - 49% in the general ranking, 54% of users in Warsaw, 63% in the Tricity. Slightly fewer users in Poland use local iTaxi application, which, in opposite to American model, allows the employment of licensed taxi drivers only. Also, the application allows to choose any facilities which taxi services may offer (the possibility of passing the bus line and entering the tourist zones). MyTaxi is less popular (it uses the same model as iTaxi by employing licensed taxi drivers only), Taxify uses solutions similar to Uber.
On a basis of a city the most popular application for transportation in Krakow is iTaxi (37% of users), where iTaxi drivers are allowed to enter the zone of old town (Rynek and adjacent streets). Additionally, in Tricity no Taxify is on the list of taxi services providers (application is available in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw only).
In general, applications for transportation are equally popular among women as well as men.According to received data, the 50/50 gender distribution is observed among Taxify users. The biggest split is observed among Uber users (57% men and 43% women). In case of iTaxi and MyTaxi, the ratio is 48/52, male and female, respectively. Large groups such apps users are those who have music apps (average 10.8%), VOD apps (average 7.4%) and pay via phone (average 5.8%) installed. In addition, about 6% are Poles who travel abroad, and around 1% are foreigners who live in Poland. People who use such kind of apps are young people (under 30 years old)with technological innovations.
The average Uber driver is described as a middle-aged man from Ukraine. Only 7% of drivers are women. We've distinguished three age groups. Over half of the drivers are at the age of 31-40 (65%). Also, representatively large group of drivers is a group of young people, who are currently entering the labor market at the age of 21-30 years old (27%). A relatively small percentage is a group of people over 40 years old - 7%. People from Ukraine make up 35% of all Uber drivers.
According to analyzed data gathered from bike-sharing apps, people in Poland use Nextbike application more often (53%) than Veturilo application (47%). Moreover, men use such bikes much more often (62% Nextbike, 69% Veturilo). The largest group of users of both applications are people at the age of 21-30 years (44% Nextbike, 48% Veturilo).
Below you can find an overview of the study results presented in the form of infographics.