11:43, Apr 16

Selectivv Index is launching soon - index for measuring the socio-economic sentiments of Poles

The purpose of Selectivv Index created by us is to show dynamically changing trends in the economy, thanks to the analysis of location data.

The Selectivv Index consists of an analysis of three areas: the dynamics of customer visits at selected retail outlets (SEL HANDEL), at gas stations (SEL STACJE), as well as the dynamics of foreign tourist traffic in all cities in Poland (SEL TURYSTYKA).

Selectivv Index
Website Selectivv Index

What is Selectivv Index?

Constant monitoring of selected locations and analysis of passive data obtained in real time allow to observe the trends related to trade and tourism in Poland. Data shown by the Selectivv Index come from 441 locations and 275 cities from all over Poland and include observations of more than 20 million users of mobile devices. An analysis of increases and decreases of visits to retail outlets and the dynamics of foreign tourist traffic is possible thanks to Selectivv Geotrapping® technology. It allows us to collect and analyze data about a group of smartphone and tablet users staying at a given time in a specific place.

Selectivv Index shows the dynamics of changes in the visits of Poles in shopping centers, shops, discount stores, and gas stations, divided into individual months. The analysis of data on smartphone and tablet users allows, in particular, to study the impact of the Sunday trading ban, introduced last year, whether traditional commerce is being replaced by e-commerce, how does the foreign tourist traffic in Poland in particular months look divided by nationality and what is the general picture of Poles' quality of life.

Selectivv Index can also have numerous commercial applications. It is a very useful tool for shopping center managers, supermarket or gas station owners. Thanks to this indicator, they can compare their results to market results and analyze whether the decrease in sales and the number of visits is related to a failed marketing strategy or a poor economic situation prevailing in a given period. Selectivv Index is also an interesting solution for stock investors. Based on monthly results, they can more accurately estimate the value of a given company from various segments such as retail, FMCG or petrol, without the need to wait for quarterly reports. Early access to such knowledge will have a significant impact on business decisions. The dedicated Selectivv Data Tank department is responsible for developing Selectivv Index and updating the data.

This is how the co-CEO of Selectivv Dominik Karbowski speaks about the new initiative:

- Regular monitoring of selected retail outlets and the Index created on its basis will enable observation of trends related to the purchasing habits of Poles in the offline channel. An unquestionable advantage of the project is the implementation on large samples (a total of 20 million observations, 441 locations in 275 Polish cities) and the undeclared nature of the data. The following years will certainly bring many changes, in particular in the retail sector, whose nature and direction are not precisely known yet. Will shopping centers give way to the pressure of online commerce or will they develop towards meeting and entertainment? Will the gas stations be ready for the electric revolution, so that petrol remains only in name? What will shopping habits look like in smaller, often marginalized, towns? Is awareness and interest in Poland increasing, and, consequently, the tourist traffic? Observing our data, we will find answers to these and many other questions.

The first Selectivv Index publication

Analyzing the most recent data included in the Selectivv Index, in particular Selectivv Handel (Trade) indicator, we can see an increase in purchasing activity of Poles. In March 2018, the value of this indicator was 94.76, while in the previous month this year it increased by almost 4 points. This example shows that the ban on Sunday trading did not affect Poles' propensity to shop. Going further and analyzing the components of the Selectivv Handel, the number of visits to discount stores increased significantly compared to last year.

Interesting conclusions also arise when comparing year-over-year data from gas stations. The number of visits in March 2019 compared to the same month last year, increased by 1 point, similarly to the value of the entire Selectivv Stacje (Stations) Index (+ 3%) in the statement from March 2019 to February 2019. This might be due to new legal regulations and changes in the sales policy. More and more often gas stations are no longer just a place to refuel the car, but also, they become service points, where people can do shopping, drop off or pick up a parcel, or pay bills. Selectivv Index will help to better understand the ongoing economic changes and predict trends for the future.

The first Selectivv Index publication includes observations from October 2017, when the Index value was accepted for 100 until March this year. The next Index publications will be held on the 5th day of each month. Selectivv Index will help to better understand changes and anticipate trends in the economy.

More on the website: index.selectivv.com

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