We are pleased to announce that our agency has become a technological partner of the "Superpower of books at home" campaign run by Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania. The idea is to encourage parents to read to their children and remind them of the importance of this process in the child's development.
You should read with children from the first year of their life - this is a common truth. But do we know how to go about it? "Supermoc książek w domu" answers this question simply and legibly.
Very little is needed to do reading to children good practice in every home. Therefore, the Foundation's campaign aims to reach parents with simple rules to help them overcome their first fears and invest in their children's future. Elements for support have been prepared in posters, webinars, and other materials that will quickly teach the parent how to start reading, pay attention to, and ask for advice. The materials will help overcome the barrier of helplessness and activate "Supermoc książek w domu".
Reading books is an indispensable foundation for the proper functioning of each of us in
society - because reading competencies are simply necessary for our life. - emphasizes Robert
Piaskowski, plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Krakow for Culture. Wrocław supports parents in their efforts
to build children's readership because the future of the young generation will largely depend on their reading skills - adds Irek Grin, Director of the Wrocław House of Literature and the Olga Tokarczuk Foundation.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Foundation's poster created especially for the campaign.
The campaign "The superpower of books at home. How to read with a child? " together, nearly twenty different
entities have signed: cities, festivals, foundations, and cultural institutions. We act together because the matter is fundamental and challenging simultaneously; each of us has a slightly different experience, perspective, own areas, and methods of operation, but we all have one goal. We believe that together we can diagnose needs, eliminate obstacles and use the potential to more effectively influence adults and inspire children - explains Agnieszka Karp-Szymańska, president of the Children's Time Foundation.
Read more about our collaborations with the Foundation here.
Selectivv website has its own DMP platform, under which we analyze and profile data on 14 million mobile of mobile devices in Poland. We use this information to implement campaigns and reach the right groups of users in precisely defined locations with the advertisement.
We constantly cooperate with the country's largest media houses and advertising agencies. We also provide services for individual clients. Our portfolio includes commercial projects implemented for retail chains, mobile operators, financial institutions, global brands, and the public sector.