11:08, May 29

Selectivv won the tender for research for the public sector

The analyzed and profiled data about users of mobile devices can be used by entities from the public sphere in order to conduct analyzes or research. We won a tender for research for the public sector. An example of such an activity is the project implemented by Selectivv, which consists in conducting an analysis of tourist traffic in a given area in 2017-2018 on the basis of historical data collected in BIG DATA databases.

How can the public sector use data from mobile

The main objective of the study is to estimate the size of tourist traffic in one of the Polish Voivodeship, to determine its structure and dynamics as well as the impact on the tourism economy of the region. The study will cover two groups of participants of the tourist movement: domestic visitors - inhabitants of Poland (with the exception of the analysed Voivodeship) with the accuracy of provinces and foreign visitors - residents of other countries with the accuracy of the country. The project will end in March 2019. The obtained results from BIG DATA analyzes will help local government structures to develop inbound tourism in the region, determine seasonal trends and intentions of visitors, define characteristics and profiles of tourists due to the length of stay or destination, as well as to study the size and distribution of tourist traffic in individual tourist zones. After a detailed analysis of the data obtained from the BIG DATA, entities, institutions or organizations responsible for tourism in a given region will be able to, for example, prepare more effective advertising campaigns and then modify them based on the evaluation of the obtained results.

Tourist traffic research based on mobile data - we won the tender for research for the public sector

Commercial entities from the travel industry, such as: travel agencies, organizations that promote travel destinations (also called DMO, destination marketing organizations), airlines or dedicated to travels websites over the last several years have already noticed more and more aware of the potential of BIG DATA and how it impacts on their business activities. Basing on the analysis of collected data such as travel destination, flight tickets or checking hotels by users in Internet, such organizations are able to segregate their offers according to profile of potential customers and prepare effective marketing campaigns. In the public sphere, the use of BIG DATA in touristic sector is still relatively new and barely exploited by marketers.

- The research we are conducting shows the importance of BIG DATA for the touristic industry and for analyzing tendencies of tourism. Thanks to the tools and analytical methods we use in Selectivv, we can trace historical data as well as data collected on a regular basis. Such data allows us to conduct a detailed analysis to obtain such information as who are the travelers that visit a given region, for how long do they stay in a certain place, what is the purpose of their journey, or where were they looking for information about the selected destination. BIG DATA-based analysis can also be helpful for performing other self-governmental or research projects, for example for planning and constructing bicycle paths, transport networks, or for water management – says Dominik Karbowski, vice president and co-founder of Selectivv.

All activities within the framework of this project and within other business initiatives frameworks, are realized by Selectivv in accordance with the new guideline of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on the day of May 25, 2018.

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